Saturday, July 28, 2007

Shining Lights of Hope - Wynkoop Event 7/28

Shining Lights of Hope Auction Benefit Event

Hey everybody, come on down for a great event next Saturday...

Please join Colorado's First Lady Jeannie Ritter and The Carson J Spencer Foundation as we celebrate Shining Lights of Hope, a benefit to support people living their best lives through mental health initiatives.

This Dazzling Evening Includes:

Honorees Sen. Moe Keller and Rep. Debbie Stafford

A Wynkoop Dinner

A Sponsored Microbrew Tasting

Silent Auction Items

Live Auction Event

Live performance by Flamenco guitarist Troy Gray

Spread the word! Register today!

Saturday, July 28 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Wynkoop Brewing Company ~ 1634 28th Street

Cost is $75 until July 20 and $100 at the door.

Two ways to register:

1. Events Calendar for July 28th (credit card)
2. Mail (check)

Checks should be made payable to The Carson J Spencer Foundation and sent to:

The Carson J Spencer Foundation

P.O. Box 351418

Westminster, CO 80235

Additional Information: Joyce Spencer at

Sustaining a passion for life.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Denver Coalition to Save Darfur Car Wash 7/28

Hi Everyone! Even more exciting ways to make July 28th a "feel good all over" kind of day. Before heading out to the CJSF auction at the Wynkoop in the evening, spend your early hours getting your car washed by the good folks volunteering with the Denver Coalition to Save Darfur. They'll be donating proceeds to the Save Darfur fund.

Here's the info...

The Denver Coalition to Save Darfur is sponsoring a car wash on Saturday, July 28 from 9 am - 3 pm in the Colorado Tire and Service parking lot. The address is 1541 Chambers Road at Colfax in Aurora, Colorado.

It's so important that we continue to work toward peace in Darfur any way we can. Fundraising, raising awareness, protesting, lobbying. We're using all of these mediums to make a difference, and will continue to do so until there is no longer a need.

thanks for reading!