I just hope I spelled Raili's name right!!! ;-)
I am having the best time keeping track of my former co-worker and friend Alex while he and his g-friend tour the world. Ah. Living vicariously and all that! :)
I love the photos too, they have an AMAZING eye for photography.
Visit www.peskydonut.com for a glimpse into their adventures. P1-ers, you are probably already familiar with this!
Maybe someday I'll travel too. But I need four star accommodations and a rental car. Gourmet dining. Wild nightlife. Fifty pairs of shoes (for the many different occasions one must prepare for while abroad). Oh yeah, and a hefty disposable income.
Time’s Run Out in The Newest The Last of Us Trailer
[image: Last Of Us Season 2 Hbo Joel Pedro Pascal]
Things are about to hit the fan for everybody when The Last of Us returns
for season two on April 13.
4 hours ago