Woot, it's Friday! [cue silly weekend themed music]
Looking forward to the fun and folly that is Saturday and Sunday in my life. That's code for laundry and grocery shopping. Ha! I'm actually going to get drinks with my travel-mates this Saturday so we can plan our big Birthday Trip to New Orleans. Can't wait. Even though I have a head cold, I will not let that deter me from planning the most ridiculous adventure a soon to be 40 year old can come up with!
I had plans for a mind bending uber-philosophical blog post full of wit and cynicism, but unfortunately after a long birthday/farewell lunch with workmates followed by a rousing dose of Beer-thirty back at work, my wit and cynicism have fallen by the wayside. *raises fist in air* Damn you Beer-thirty!!! But, I promise to try to be witty and cynical tomorrow after a long night of drinking martinis and playing RPGs. <----Uh huh, I'm a geek!
As for today, let's just say I'm happy for full moons in a purple-ish sunset, runny readings on Failblog and Fark, and the end to a perfectly work like work week.
Now, go start that weekend!
*so mote it be*