And wow!
Any episode featuring my ultimate favorite Lostie - Locke is going to WOW me. But tonight was more than I could have hoped for. Below, see a theory I've posted to the Lost-nether-world on The Transmission (awesome - most favorite podcast). I <3 you Ryan and Jen! Also to YuBlog (I also adore Jay and Jack!!!)
The Transmission Post
# LostNTonic Says:
February 16th, 2010 at 6:22 pm
OMG I love Locke episodes, even when he’s dead :)
So … The NUMBERS! HFC – the numbers = our losties. Jacob must’ve made that list eons ago and that’s why lists are so important. So anyone get screenshots yet, who is 4,8,15,16,23,42 exactly? 6 numbers. Oceanic 6. So Kate and Aaron are a number too? Ironic that all those guys would end up on the island together.
My crackpot theory of the week? UnLocke will wage war against Jacob’s crew. The end result will catapult our Losties back into another “loop” of time and course correct. Making the “flash sideways” segments what happens after the last “thud” of LOST on the island.
My similar (copied and pasted) YuBlog post...
Pictures courtesy of and especially giving credit to Cesar Altamirano of