Passing on a message from Ben Drexler of the Denver Coalition to Save Darfur
Local Darfur Activists-
We're now one week away from the Olympic Dream for Darfur Torch Relay Rally! In the next week we need all of you hitting up your friends, coworkers, and loved ones to recruit people for this demonstration. The greater the turnout we get, the more likely it is to make national news and the more likely it is to push China into maintaining its pressure on the Sudanese government.
We have a wonderful lineup of speakers including local politicians, survivors of previous genocides, athletes, and members of the Darfuri community. We will even have a special demonstration at this rally to show the progress we've made in the past three years.
For those who don't know, the torch relay begins at 11 AM on October 28th at the pavilions in Cheesman Park in Denver and the rally begins at 1:30 PM. Please come out to cheer on our relay participants and stay to hear our inspirational speakers.
For those interested in passing out information, you can find fliers for the event at
We will see you next week to send China a clear message of their responsibility to end this conflict! If you intend to come, please RSVP at
Ben Drexler
Denver Coalition to Save Darfur
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