The hated Dallas Stars made my team look like cream puffs.
Spanked. In my least favorite city, by my least favorite team. And yes, I'm qualified to make the "least favorite city" comment. I lived in that damn town for a year and hated every single agonizing slow millisecond that I was there. Though I did meet a handful of really great people (and you know who you are!) so I guess there are a couple of redeeming qualities from that experience. But overall, I hate Dallas. I love Austin (Texas isn't all bad, lol). Austin is so cool I might even have to blog about it one day, but not now -- not today. Back to the issue at hand = I really dislike Dallas on so many levels. And last night's beat down by the Stars doesn't do much to change that hate-hate relationship for me. Mike Modano, how I despise thee!!!
Oh the pain...
Stars 6, Avalanche 1
Jussi Jokinen got a hat trick plus one. Nice job (though it pains me to say it). Did anyone notice the "Hat Trick Girls" after Jokinen's third goal? Yes, leave it to Dallas to come up with the equivalent of cheerleaders for hockey. Girls in spandex and halter tops on skates that go out and gather up the hats off the ice. Wonder if they get paid for being there at every game "just in case", or is it a paid-per-hat-gathered kind of deal? Inquiring minds, and all that...
As if puck bunnies at games weren't bad enough. But I digress...
Jose Theodore was pulled early in the 2nd after the fifth Stars goal. I like Jose; I really do, but I need to see this guy do something to really wow my socks off. You know, make me feel confident in his abilities. He has promise. He has the talent. He has nights when he looks fantastic (like against Calgary). BUT he still makes me extremely nervous when he starts a game and that kills me. In the glory days of old (pre-salary cap and mega stars on every line), I remember Billington backing up Roy and it was never a "can he do it????" moment. I want to feel that kind of hockey-bliss again. Those were amazing days, were they not? C'mon Theodore, live up to your hype!
But last night's loss can't be placed solely on the shoulders of Theodore. The rest of the team looked tired, flustered and flawed too. So let's not beat a dead horse here. We sucked. We got throttled (over and over and over). Let's regroup and play some real hockey on Sunday, shall we?
Time’s Run Out in The Newest The Last of Us Trailer
[image: Last Of Us Season 2 Hbo Joel Pedro Pascal]
Things are about to hit the fan for everybody when The Last of Us returns
for season two on April 13.
4 hours ago
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