Picture courtesy of New York Entertainment
*WTF happened to Walt??? Up until season three he was central to what was going on with the islanders/Losties. I thought when he started "appearing" to Locke again that his integral nature to the plotline would be revealed a bit. But it doens't seem that his presence is necessary for this return trip even though everyone else in some way, shape, or form was present or proxied on flight 316 back to the island. I don't get it. Lack of plot follow-through? Or am I wrong in thinking that there was a lot of emphasis put on the kid in season 1 & 2, sorta kinda in 3, now -- not so much. Doesn't make sense. At least not yet.
*Christian sure is creepy. Dude, if he was my daddy I'd not want to hang out with him dead or alive. I like the theories flying around out in the cyberhood about the Shephard family being central to the island's story. Seems like there could be something "magical" about the lineage and the island: daddy/Jack/Claire/Aaron/Ray all seem to be tied to it somehow. And yes, I beleive grandpa Ray will show up no the island. Just wait - he was probably there with da' bomb!
*Where is Aaron and why did that last interaction between Kate and Jack preflight (316) seem so ... weird.
*I do not like Juliet. I don't think she's on the level. I think she's waiting for something (the second coming of Ben perhaps) to show her true colors, but I don't believe she is on Team Oceanic 815. Nope.
*Kate & Jack? Kate & Sawyer? Both fits seem ill matched. Can't figure out who Kate should be with, but seriously it seems that she and Jack only work when they are *not* working. Kate and Sawyer got the sex-thang goin' on. That works pretty ok if you ask me :) Neither Kate nor Jack seem happy when they are together. Sawyer is happy when he and Kate are together. Kate is always thinking about the other guy when she's with one of them so the point of her being happy is moot. Completely.
*I bet you $50 that Kate is preggo. That's the Aaron/baby proxy for flight 316.
*I still think this is all some "plugged in" reality thing (thinking matrix type shenanigans or dream therapy). My theory from day one was that this is some kind of rehab effort, off the books. Sanctioned years ago and never fully embraced due to the fact that it is so NON politically correct that it would and could never be brought to light.
*I need to go back and watch from season one to five again. Definitely. And take notes. Lots and lots of notes.
*Lots of speculation that Ben killed Penny (hence his bloody appearance at the pier) but I don't think so. I have a feeling we've not seen the last of Desmond though.
*Could our Losties be the reason Ben turns bad? He doesn't seem like a cruel and heartless kid. He seems a bit geeky and, well, lost. Seeing his background I don't blame him for feeling like he doesn't fit in. Who does he have to confide in? Show him love? Nurture him? I think he desperately wants to find his mom with the hostiles and our gang somehow (through events they can't control) interfere with them/her and that has an ugly outcome for our little Ben when he grows up. He needs to exact revenge and is blinded by the need to do so. Not sure exactly how it will play out but I have a hunch that this time travel stuff makes our characters cross paths in more than one way.
*Is season 6 the end? Why did we go from 20-something epi's per season to 14? Is it me or does it seem that the writers are kind of cramming/rushing a lot of info into a little time frame?
More thoughts to come when the gin wears off :)
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