I was lucky enough to get home last night before the big blast made commuting a pain in the gluteous maximus. A freind of mine, who left only 50 minutes later than I did, did not get home until THREE hours later than me. Yes, I was lucky!
I got to cuddle up to watch one of the best Lost episodes of the season (Richard Alpert's long awaited and highly anticipated back story). And even though we had a minor power outage 10 minutes before the epi aired (frightening) - it was smooth sailing for my satelite dish for the entire hour and 4 minunte long show. Whewww!
During the evening, however, the weather turned terribly nasty. My husband was told to remote in to his office for the night - which is good because the highway he takes up to Broomfield was shut down. School was cancelled for my tots - which by default enabled me to remote in to work myself this morning. I have to say, I get a heck of a lot more done when I'm remoting in. I think it's the lack of distractions and conversations that happen near my cubicle each day. Here, I can work something through to completion, more often than not.

Here's a cute shot of a chilly canine enjoying the snow. Not my dog, I must note. I snagged this from 9news.com's weather update page. No, my dog doesn't like to have her head hanging out of an open window. My dog has also been known to get very car sick. I tease her and tell her she can't truly be a canine if she doens't like to hang her head out an open window and stick her tongue out. She looks at me like I'm stupid. She does that a lot. :)
Everyone in CO who has a snow day today please enjoy it. The 90+ degree summer heat is only a blink of an eye away.
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