Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Amazing Adventures of Alex and Raili!

I just hope I spelled Raili's name right!!! ;-)

I am having the best time keeping track of my former co-worker and friend Alex while he and his g-friend tour the world. Ah. Living vicariously and all that! :)

I love the photos too, they have an AMAZING eye for photography.

Visit for a glimpse into their adventures. P1-ers, you are probably already familiar with this!

Maybe someday I'll travel too. But I need four star accommodations and a rental car. Gourmet dining. Wild nightlife. Fifty pairs of shoes (for the many different occasions one must prepare for while abroad). Oh yeah, and a hefty disposable income.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

:( RIP Bodines

Aw, it's a sad, sad, SAD day here in Lakewood. One of the best little places to get a truly unique breakfast has closed it's doors. Let the massive crappy chains prevail yet again and the little guy gets snuffed. Damn! I loved their pumpkin french toast and their Gringo Omlet.

Well, at least I still have the Blue Cow.

Now I'm in a grumpy mood!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It’s the little things....

I took my kids to see Wall-e Thursday afternoon and I was totally expecting to like it. I'm a huge Pixar fan after all. My biggest dream/fantasy is that I could have been born with uber supreme talents for animation and story creation and I could be one of the lucky souls to work on a Pixar production. (or a horror movie FX tech, but that's another dream/fantasy!).

Back to what suprised me about Wall-e: I found myself adoring that cute little robotic dude. Like I said, I usually do love pixar, but I do always know that I am watching a kid geared movie with commercialized toy tie ins. In this movie I simply lost myself and was able to utterly enjoy the experience. Yes, I can see that there will surely be the consumer tie ins, but I didn't expect to enjoy this film as much as I did! It was poignant and flip and bitingl all at once while being completely wonderful!

After a very *trying* week (month, +++???) at work and dealing with idiotic people in other aspects of my life I found this 2 hours in the theater a real retreat (popcorn and coffee aside!). It's probably going to be one of those memories I will carry around with me when I'm 99.... the afternoon I took my little ones to a movie and found myself falling in love with it as much as, if not more than, they did!