Monday, January 29, 2007

Peace rally message: Defund & end this war!

Peace rally message: Defund & end this war > Activism > Stories > Denver >

My kids at the rally.

This is a wonderful article by Carol Barrow about the Peace Rally we went to in downtown Denver on Saturday. It was such an amazing experience being a part of a collective effort to let our voices be heard. To say - enough is enough! Ken Gordon told the crowd of 700+ that "Silence is consent." No one was silent on Saturday.

This peace rally coincided with the huge rally in Washington DC. I'm happy that we went, even though it was coooooold and snowy. Carol Barrow also has a WONDERFUL slideshow and photo album of pictures from Saturday's rally. Check it out (if you look real close you will see me and my kiddos in a couple of the shots).

And keep in mind, that your legislators need to hear from you and they need to know what's on your mind concerning Iraq (or anything political for that matter). Call, write, or email your congress men and women today. Let them know what you are thinking! How you'd like them to address current situations. Get involved. Stand up and be silent no more!


Friday, January 26, 2007



I just have to talk about this great site!!! Jessie is my neighbor. She's such a nice lady and she makes the most amazing origami creations. These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL - she's a wonderfully creative and precise artist!

You can use the link above or just go to to view the items she has available. These make awesome, unique and one of a kind gifts. I treasure my origami collection that I've started (especially the elephant! OMG, you have to go see this one!). My kids also love their origami butterflies. Each has one hanging in their rooms. I know that some of the teachers at our kids school have some hanging in thier rooms too and they just LOVE them! Like I said, super gift ideas!

I was surprised at Jessie's low prices, considering the amount of time it takes to make one (4 to 20 hours per project). I think the items run $4 and up. I'll try to post a picture of the pretties in my collection!

Keep these treasures in mind anytime you need a unique gift, and get in touch with Jessie! You won't be sorry.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

United for Peace - Denver Peace Rally

United for Peace�:�Events

Ready to make a stand for peace? Join us on the west steps of the Colorado State Capitol at noon on Saturday January 27th, 2007 and let your voice be heard!!! I hope we have a tremendous turn out. This rally coincides with the rally in Washington DC at the same time.

Colo. Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon was wonderful enough to come to a Peace, Liberty, and Justice Task Force meeting at Jefferson Unitarian Church (I'm proud to be a member of that church) two weekends ago, and talk to us about our our mounting concerns about the War in Iraq. He talked about wanting to get a local rally that coincided with the DC rally started. Now would be a great time to get involved and show how much a peaceful solution to the problems in Iraq would mean to you!!!! NO MORE WAR! Come rally, y'all! :) Here is the vital info:

Denver Peace Rally
Saturday, January 27th 2007 NOON
Denver, CO USA




KEN GORDON, CO Senate Majority Leader
JEFFERSON UNITARIAN CHURCH-Peace, Liberty & Justice Task Force

Colorado State Capitol West Stair Case Denver CO

Pam Benedict

Sponsored By:
Ken Gordon. Colorado Senate Maj. Leader Interfaith Alliance of Colorado-Public Policy Commission The Peace, Liberty and Justice Task Force of the Jefferson Unitarian Church of Golden, CO

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Colbert Report Word - "Go It Alone"

Bush: I think I'm a flexible and open minded person. I really do.

Stephen Colbert: Flexible and open minded? If we wanted that we would have elected Al Gore...

...We did.


Ah, gotta love the funny guys down at Comedy Central.

It's taken me a little while to warm up to Colbert's style. I love the Daily Show, but I'm really beginning to love the wry pointed humor of Colbert. Hey, anyone who steals O'Reily's microwave gets a plus in my book anyday! :) Enjoy.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Honouring Helen Hill

No Media Kings - Honouring Helen Hill

Do you remember reading about the New Orleans mother who was killed in her home in the early morning of January 4th 2007? Her husband was also shot, but survived and her 2 year old child wasn't hurt at all. It was a very sad story. Not just because a young mother was gunned down, and a family will never be the same again without her. But also because this was just one of 7 murders in New Orleans within the first five days of the new year, 9 in less than 2 weeks. Of course the link between sky rocketing crime in a still hurting city that has not fully recovered after Hurricane Katrina is not a mere coincidence. More than 1,000 people marched on City Hall in New Orleans on January 11th, seeking an end to the violence. Are we surprised that Bush's Administration has left New Orleans unfixed and unfinished after Katrina? No, I'm not surprised by that at all.

I was surprised to see a tribute to the mother, Helen Hill, on one of my favorite author's websites (Jim Munroe at Aparently, he had known the couple and he posts a great remembrance of her on his site. Use the link above to read the full post on Jim's site. He also has a couple of home videos remembering Helen. Here is a little snippet from Jim Munroe's site:

On the day I met Helen and Paul, we had just made the long train trip from Montreal to Halifax and I was trying to decide between showering and eating before my book launch — I figured it might be hard to find vegan food in a new city and I didn’t have time for both. Paul, who’d picked us up, ushered us into a cosy kitchen to meet Helen. She offered me some stew, and regretfully — both because I was hungry and because I always felt bad rejecting people’s hospitality — I told her that I was hard to feed: I was vegan.

“We’re vegan too!” Helen exclaimed.

This was a lovely introduction to the delightful paradox of Helen and Paul. They looked and acted like folksy people from a simpler era, but were profoundly political. Not just in what they ate, but where they chose to live: they moved from their poor neighbourhood in Halifax where I met them to poorer neighbourhoods in New Orleans.

- from Jim Munroe's post - Honouring Helen Hill

Read NPR's story about Helen's Murder here.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

YouTube - Barack Obama -- Sex Offender?

YouTube - Barack Obama -- Sex Offender?

No it's not what you think. Watch here while Fox News tries to pull a subliminal "fast one" over on the viewing audience. Did they just think it was funny to try to associate supporters of Democratic hopeful Obama (and pictures of Obama's face) with news of a pedophile case? Or were they trying to subliminally brainwash those viewers who possibly don't have enough braincells to think for themselves? Hmmmm...

Nope, this is pure and simple - a doubleplus doublethink newscrime. Yep. (Time to get out your Newspeak dictonaries from Nineteen Eighty-Four for this one!)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Obama For America -

Obama For America -

Do you like Barack Obama?

Do you wish he'd run for President in 2008 on the Democratic ticket?

Do you want to find out more about how you can help give Obama a head start in his campaign (should he run)?

Then check out

Sign a petition asking Obama to run, contribute to his future campaign, or join the mailing list to keep up to date with information about Obama's decision to run.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Federal Way schools restrict Gore film

Federal Way schools restrict Gore film

*rolling eyes and groaning to myself*

Ugh. Unbelievable. I'm shocked that there are people in the United States who are STILL in denial over global warming.

In the story, link above, it appears that a parent who supports the teaching of creationism, and who opposes sex education, has complained about Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" being shown in a social studies class. The school board has put a moratorium on showing this film - essentially banning it, until a teacher can prove that if they show that film they will also spend a day, or class period, presenting the opposite case (which is WHAT????, I'm wondering). Actually in the film, Al Gore states the fact that in the scientific community the percentage of conflicting reports on global warming is 0 - Yes, 0%. And the number of controversial stories about the legitimacy of global warming in the media was a number over 50% - showing that the controversy is perpetuated falsly (mostly due to radical governmental bias), when in reality scientific investigation always comes to the same conclusion - Global Warming is a FACT.

To quote this misguided (nicest word I could come up with) parent: "Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore. He's not a schoolteacher. The information that's being presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is. ... The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD."

It appears to me that this gentleman needs to sit down with the class and watch the movie again and actually listen to what it says. Hey, maybe even do a little research himself if he doesn't believe the facts presented by Al Gore. If you'd like to get some of the FACTS yourself, check out the global warming and climate change links on the LINKS section of this blog.

So then, what does this all come down to? Are we supposed to teach biblical stories in the classroom? (Don't even get me started on the seperation of church and state debate!) Are we really supposed to teach that the world will end in a fiery inferno for one entire social studies class to balance the showing of a scientifically based, fact backed, (and may I say tremendously wonderful) film like "An Inconvenient Truth"?

To me that is as ludacris and absurd as saying that we need to teach racism for a class to balance the time we spend teaching the class about the civil rights movement in the 60's.

What a baffoon! Even worse? The school board went along with it. Shame, shame shame!

YouTube - Addicted to Lost

YouTube - Addicted to Lost

One of my favorite shows is LOST. I've not seen any of the season 3 episodes, but from the promo clips I've caught on You Tube, I can't wait!!!! Here is a funny glimpse into why one might become "addicted to LOST"! Ha ha ha!

My favorite characters: John Locke, Mr. Eko, Claire, and Hurley!

I love Sawyers one-liners too.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

DNC chooses Denver to host 2008 convention - CNN Political Ticker

The DNC has formally announced that is has chosen Denver, CO as the city to host it's 2008 national convention. The announcement was made officially this morning! See the full story at CNN ( use the link above).

I am so excited about this. It will be quite a wonderful thing! I'm sure we'll be talking more about this in the months to come.

Kudos to Denver!!!

Funny Simpsons Clip - Trojans

Here’s a great clip called “Homer reads about the Trojan War” posted by gorlap from YouTube.

President Bush's Speech

Being a mostly left of center politically minded individual, you might guess that I was not very thrilled with the President's speech last night. He claims to have done research into the best available strategy and he came up with a surge in troops? Explain to me how 20,000 more troops will help when his own generals and former generals on the ground say that 100,000 troops would be needed for Baghdad alone. I don't get it. And did I hear the news correctly tonight saying that some of these new troops that will be "surging" to Iraq will be deployed as soon as Monday? Man, George W doesn't waste any time, does he? I think the President's new strategy is (use a nice word here, Tammy) misguided... wrong... reeeeally lacking.

Before head off to bed tonight, I wanted to post a few snippets about what the early buzz is in congress. These quotes are directly from CNN's transcripts of the Larry King show from tonight (
1-10-07). Take a peek and feel free to voice your own opinion on the subject.

snips from the Larry King Show...


At the end of October, President Bush told the American people: Absolutely, we're winning the war in
Iraq. He spoke those words near the end of the bloodiest month of 2006 for U.S. troops.

Tonight, President Bush acknowledged what most Americans know: We are not winning in
Iraq, despite the courage and immense sacrifice of our military.

Indeed, the situation is grave and deteriorating.

The president's response to the challenge of
Iraq is to send more American soldiers into the crossfire of the civil war that has engulfed that nation.

Escalation of this war is not the change the American people called for in the last election. Instead of a new direction, the president's plan moves the American commitment in
Iraq in the wrong direction.

In ordering more troops to
Iraq, the president is ignoring the strong advice of most of his own top generals. General John Abizaid -- until recently, the commanding general in Iraq and Afghanistan -- said, and I quote, "More American forces prevent the Iraqis from doing more, from taking more responsibility for their own future," end of quote.

Twenty thousand American soldiers are too few to end this civil war in
Iraq and too many American lives to risk on top of those we've already lost.

It's time for President Bush to face the reality of
Iraq. And the reality is this: America has paid a heavy price. We have paid with the lives of more than 3,000 of our soldiers. We have paid with the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. And we've paid with the hard-earned tax dollars of the families of America.

SEN. BARACK OBAMA, (D) ILLINOIS: Well, let me say there was one area where I completely agree with the president. And that is that American troops have done everything that's been asked of them. They have done an outstanding job. And I don't doubt the president's sincerity in thinking that this third or fourth approach to the problem is the right one.

But I did not see anything in the speech or anything in the run- up to the speech that provides evidence that an additional 15,000 to 20,000 more U.S. troops is going to make a significant dent in the sectarian violence that's taking place there.

And I didn't see any political strategy in the president's remarks to get Shia and Sunni to arrive at the sort of political accommodation that I think will ultimately be necessary.

The last point I make, Larry: the one bit of leverage we have over the Iraqis at this stage are troop deployments. And there have to be some consequences for their failure to arrive at a political accommodation by actually escalating this war as opposed to initiating a phased withdrawal. I think the president is taking away whatever leverage we have.

…my office is looking at a variety of options to place some conditions on the president's actions. And I had a lengthy meeting today with Secretary Rice. And the key point that I made is that after $400 billion, over 3,000 lives, after the enormous resolve of the American people and, most importantly, American troops have shown in this entire process, the burden of proof is now on the administration and the Iraqi government to show that they can now make progress.

And so what I would be looking for -- and I think that there are going to be a lot of proposals out there -- but what I'm going to be looking for is a way of setting forward some conditions that ensure that if benchmarks are not met, we are beginning the sort of phased withdrawal that I think is ultimately going to be most effective.

And, you know, I should note that one of my colleagues, Republican Sam Brownback, who is in Iraq right now, sent out a press release today -- and this is not a fuzzy-headed liberal -- saying he did not believe that the Shia and the Sunni factions in Iraq were prepared at this point to arrive at the sort of political accommodation that would justify additional American sacrifice.

And if that's the message we're getting from the president's own party, I think that's an indication of where the American people are.

America needs from their president under the circumstances is, first, trust. They need to feel like they can trust their president. They need to have a sense of honesty and decency that the president is trying to make the right decision, the best judgment under very difficult circumstances.

What I saw was a very academic, analytical speech, making the case for putting more troops in
Iraq. And I think that's not what America needed from its president right now. I think the president is profoundly wrong. I think escalating the war is a huge mistake.

But beyond that, what's happened is that the trust in the president has eroded. And

…And the other thing
America ought to be doing that I can't tell you how strongly I disagree with the president about is not just Jordan, the Saudis and the Egyptians. We ought to be dealing directly with the Iranians and the Syrians.

… you talk to anybody in our military and you hear that over and over and over. I mean, our own military analysis was in order to have enough troops to squelch the violence just in

has to feel in their gut that whether he's right or wrong the president's telling the truth. is about 100,000 troops. And we're not doing that.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: I thought it was an excellent speech. The president acknowledged that the strategy has failed. It's a new strategy and I emphasize strategy because before we would clear and leave and the insurgents would return and take over the neighborhoods.

Now this is the counterinsurgency strategy of clear, hold and build so that the economic and political process can move forward, Larry. So this is a new strategy. I believe those who are calling for withdrawal have the obligation to tell us what we do in the region when it descends into chaos, as my friend Lindsey Graham just said.

I'm very pleased to put it in the hands of the architect of our counterinsurgency doctrine, General Petraeus, and our new central commander, Admiral Fallon. So I can't guarantee success here, but I certainly can guarantee the consequences of failure.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: I agreed with the president before he made the speech, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. I look at it this way: what's the result of a failed state in Iraq to our future as a nation, to the region as a whole?

...No matter what I think or any of the other senators think, the president is the commander in chief and he's put General Petraeus in charge of this new mission. I met with General Petraeus today. He believes that this surge, along with the Iraqi political adjustments, can lead to victory and he will ask the Congress for the capability to perform this mission.

Will the Congress say no to General Petraeus? I, as the senator from
South Carolina, will give General Petraeus what he needs to be successful. The old strategy failed. The new strategy might fail. I think it's our best chance for victory and let's give it a chance.

(end of CNN transcript snips)

Ok, I'm with the Dems on this. The Republican soundbites are just plain scary! "The new strategy might fail...let's give it a chance." There's a vote of confidence for ya. Sure . Why not try the surge? Sounds peachy. What???

Man, I'm off to bed. I need to sleep on this one for a while.

Until tomorrow!

Monday, January 8, 2007


Wooo Hooo! We are officially up and running and ready for some blogging! I'm excited to be able to get the blog section of my website actually functional and off the ground so to speak. I will try to post a topic that's on my mind here daily. Check in and read and ponder and post. I'd love to discuss things with anyone else interested in the same subjects that make me go Hmmmm....

Remember, you aren't limited to the topic I choose. For the most part I'm up for any kind of chat but please remember to keep it as clean as possible. Be respectful to others who may hold opposing viewpoints, and have some fun!

Don't be shy! Start blogging....