Yeah, yeah.... it's *another* hockey post. So don't read if you don't want to!
Avs did well tongiht, beating the defending champs. Hejduk and Wolski were on fire tonight. Forsberg, Sakic, Salei, and Stastny -- not so much, but they weren't awful. Still, a win is a win!
Ben Guite was miked tonight. Very nice (hey Ben, where's the ol' Guite faceoff maneuver???? It's your signiture move, dude -- Bring It Back!!!)
I REALLY wanna know what Guite and Lappie were grinning so big about on the bench tonight. I really, really, really, really, really, really wanna know!!!!! Hey Altitude, what the hell's the deal with putting Peter McNab between the benches during the game? Not only does it look gay, it sucks. So stop it. Immeidately. Oh, and please mic Ian again - he's got a fantastic nonstop motor mouth, it's worth a million bucks mic-ed! (please and thank you)
Too much fun!
So goalie talk time.... I don't know why I don't like Theodore. He's been amazing lately. He's cute. He's got it goin' on. But I'd still like to see Budaj in net. Call me insane. Actually given the choice of anyone at all from anywhere I'd choose this guy as my goalie...
Oh yes. Yes I would.
Side note.... I cannot get his song outa my head.
I know. I expect the criticism. I hate JT. But I loooove this damn song. So shoot me now :)
Time’s Run Out in The Newest The Last of Us Trailer
[image: Last Of Us Season 2 Hbo Joel Pedro Pascal]
Things are about to hit the fan for everybody when The Last of Us returns
for season two on April 13.
4 hours ago
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