Attempt 2.... Damnit! Myspace ate my first post attempt (that was full of raw off the cuff hillarity and emotion, and much better writing) BUT I'm still buzzed and hyped up enough to try to recapture it all....
On we go...
So YES. Peter Forsberg, played a total of 20 min, 19 secs tonight!!!!! Holy huh!!!!!??!!!!!! Did anyone expect Foppa to come out and kick ass the way he did? I seriously expected him to play as little as possible while he regained his "sea legs" (c'mon, it's been 10 months since he's played a full NHL game. But I forget -- he's a HOCKEY PLAYER!!!!!! Duh! These guys lose teeth just for fun, and play with broken and/or missing limbs during playoff season. So....)
Oh yeah!!! He played tentative at first (for like.00726 minutes!), but it didn't take long for him to get out there and take names. He played longer than Sakic (if I'm not mistaken) and
he played a very physical game!!!!! He's still got the moves. He's still got it goin' on! As long as he's healthy, he's going to be unstoppable! Did you see him grinning from ear to ear during the post game interview??? Yeah, he was happy with how he played. He's glad to be back. If he's half as thrilled as we are, then wow. Watch out -- it's gonna be quite a ride!
No, he wasn't perfect, but there was a lot of chemistry. There was grit. There were punches and a fire under the surface. I am so excited, I can't wait to see the rest of the season! Though we will surely miss Svatos (and hope to see Smyth back in the line up soon).
Ah, ***sigh*** I'm in heaven. No one bring me off my cloud for the next few hours. Let me be all
silly and blissful and wound up for a while.
Sweet hockey dreams to you all. (And thanks to my co-worker Patrick for trying to get me tickets tonight. As embarrassing as it was, it woulda been worth it had it worked!!!!).
And wow, I'm sooooo impressed with Salei. He's gonna be HUGE for us! Just you watch!
;-) G'night!
Time’s Run Out in The Newest The Last of Us Trailer
[image: Last Of Us Season 2 Hbo Joel Pedro Pascal]
Things are about to hit the fan for everybody when The Last of Us returns
for season two on April 13.
4 hours ago
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