Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mirrors and Metaphors - Community Call for Art

Mirrors and Metaphors - Community Call for Art
DUE DATE: December 15th, 2007 - this art exhibit is for all - please participate by contributing your art.

Community Call for Art (test)

VSA arts of Colorado/ Access Gallery, The Carson J Spencer Foundation and

The Second Wind Fund


Mirrors and Metaphors:

Reflections on Suicide, Mental Health and Healing through the Arts

The creation of art is often an expression of emotional states and can be an outlet for mental health struggles. In recognition Regis University, The Carson J Spencer Foundation, The Second Wind Fund, and Very Special Arts (VSA) are hosting an art show to increase awareness.

Entries are open to any artist with a mental health story to tell. Our purpose is two fold in raising awareness about suicide and mental health: 1) it affects all types of people across the lifespan – in us, in our families, and in our communities, and 2) art is an effective means to help people heal. Artwork will be selected based on artistic merit and the mental health message conveyed. All forms of artwork will be considered. Photographs, paintings, sculpture and drawings are acceptable. New art is preferred. All art must be accompanied by a 100 word narrative making the tie to the theme of the show explicit. Artwork must involve some sort of visual reflection (e.g., mirror, water) and may NOT include any overt images of sex, drugs, weapons or images of death. Artwork may not exceed 18"x24". Artwork should be durable for potential traveling show post-exhibit. Work must be ready to display, and artists must be willing to have pieces photographed for future publication.

Each artist is limited to one piece for this show, and the show will be limited to 50 pieces. A panel of artists and mental health professionals will jury the pieces for entry. Regis University, VSA arts Colorado, The Carson J Spencer Foundation, and The Second Wind Fund reserve the final right to select any artwork. Decisions are final and artists will be notified.

Please send a digital replication of your piece accompanied by a 100 word narrative to Sally Spencer-Thomas at by December 15, 2007. You will be notified of your piece's acceptance by January 10th. Art pieces that are selected need to be delivered suitable for display (i.e., framed) by January 25, 2007 to Regis University's Coors Life Direction Center. Selected art will be displayed at the Regis University library gallery during the month of February 2008. Any work that is donated may be part of a traveling exhibit. Art work that is not donated can be retrieved by March 15th from the Coors Life Directions Center.

Contact or 303-458-4323 for questions or other arrangements.

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